Gvim supertab not working
Gvim supertab not working

I frequently find myself accidentally typing hjkl in non-vim editors.

gvim supertab not working

I wrote my dissertation completely in vim. Then in 2004 my roommate at the time convinced me to give it another try, and I quickly got hooked. I think I tried it for the first time in about 2003, and quickly gave up. \bv Open a window to browse the cache vertically.I have been using Vim for most editing for about 12 years now. Type/be to browse the cache in the current window Tried MiniBufferExplore and found that it supports the shortcut keys of Buffer Explorer The following two functions need to be added in ~/.vimrc: :b "num" opens the specified buffer, "num" refers to the number at the beginning of the buffer, as shown in the figure above, I want to open list_audit.erb, and enter: b7. : bp open the current buffer in front of a buffer : bn open the current buffer next of buffer

gvim supertab not working

when opening the buffer where the cursor is located Cycle backward to switch to each buffer name Cycle forward to switch to each buffer name When you place the cursor in the long and narrow window of vim, the following shortcut keys are available: Let mapleader= " " Jump in the programĭecompress, copy ctags.exe in the folder to D:\ProgramFiles\Vim\vim80 after decompression, and then add D:\ProgramFiles\Vim\vim80 to the path of the environment variable. To set to ',', add the following statement to the. ? Switch the cursor backward to the previous MarkWord among all MarkWords marked by Mark.Įxplanation: The '/' these commands in is the mapleader in vim, you can also set it to other things: for example, Switch the cursor forward to the next MarkWord in all MarkWords marked by Mark. # Switch the cursor backward to the previous MarkWord in the MarkWords currently being Mark. * Switch the cursor forward to the next MarkWord in the MarkWords currently being Mark. n clear this mark (ie the mark under the cursor), or clear all r manually input a regular expression.For searching.

gvim supertab not working

m mark or unmark the word under ( or before ) the cursor It can highlight a similar phrase (or regular expression search result) at the same time, and the Mark.vim plugin can highlight multiple at the same time. The difference is: the '*' and '#' commands in vim are only This plug-in is very similar to the built-in '*' and '#' vim. M Display file system menu (add, delete, move operation) Press ctrl+w several times, the cursor will automatically switch between the left and right windowsĦ tree window to the left of the cursor focus, press? To pop up the help of NERDTree, press again? Turn off help displayħ Enter: q and press enter to close the window where the cursor is located

gvim supertab not working

Press Enter to display the contents of the file in the right window, and the focus of the cursor is on the right.ĥ, ctr+w+h the tree directory on the left of the cursor focus, ctrl+w+l the file display window on the right of the cursor focus.

#Gvim supertab not working install#

When Vim is in the state of NORMAL, INSERT, BLOCK, etc., the status bar will show different colors and the status The column will also display the format of the currently edited file (uft-8, etc.), file type (java, xml, etc.) and cursor position, etc., just install it if you like.ġ In the Linux command line interface, enter vimģ Enter the tree interface of the current directory and use the up and down keys on the small keyboard to move the selected directory or fileĤ There is a + sign in front of the directory. After Powerline is installed, an enhanced status bar will appear at the bottom of Vim. Powerline is a very beautiful status bar plug-in for Vim. Open mark-2.8.5.vmb and supertab.vmb with gvim, and execute the command to install.Ĭommonly used plugins -enhanced vim status bar plug-in The third kind of plug-in decompressed to *.vmb such as mark plug-in.Copy taglist.vim and taglist.txt to the plugin and doc folders under vimfile respectively The second kind of plug-in decompressed to *.vim, such as taglist plug-in.The first kind of plug-in decompressed to *.exe, such as ctags plug-in.Mainly talk about the installation method of the next centralized plug-in. Sometimes when the computer we use does not have a network environment or even if there is a network but cannot access websites such as github, it is necessary to manually install the vim plugin installation package offline. We don’t need the installation method of the relational plug-in. If there is a network, you can use the Vundle management plug-in. For vimer, it won't work without vim, and it won't work without a plugin.

Gvim supertab not working